Staying Active, with Lou Martinez

Staying Active, with Lou Martinez

Lou Martinez has been active most of his life — at least since his mom dropped him off at cross country practice in high school and sped off without him. Now with the desire and discipline to go after just about anything, he was one of the lucky few to get chosen to participate in the docuseries, From The Ground Up! 

In this episode of the Daylight Spotlight, we get to know Lou a little better before the fourth season of FTGU drops –  what keeps him interested in staying active, what it’s like transitioning from trail running to cycling, and his decision to stop waiting for a sign to get up and go.

Oh, and bike love. It's a thing.

Lou’s appreciation for things like nature (and his bike), is contagious. As he talks about times when he was less active, we see his gratitude for the life he is living, encouraging listeners to just GO.

“We’re waiting for something special. We’re waiting for, like, this special notification that says, ‘TA-DAH! Here’s your wake-up call. Go do something,’ when in reality, put that sh*t down, go put your shoes on, go jump on your bike – go DO something.”

We’re glad you’re here to listen in and get to know this super great guy so you can look forward to seeing Lou and his sweet jumps on season four of From The Ground Up!

  • Did you run after high school?
  • How is riding similar to trail running?
  • Do you think that resetting and grounding yourself is essential for functioning healthily?
  • What’s your preferred cycling discipline?
  • Had you heard about gravel biking before being part of FTGU?
  • What do you ride?
  • What would you say to people who don’t have the opportunities that you have as part of the project? What’s your advice?

Follow Lou on Instagram

More about FTGU:
FromTheGroundUpProject on YouTube



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